As editors, designers and furniture lovers from around the globe ascend on the Southern city of High Point, North Carolina (aka Furniture capital of the world), for the biannual spring market April 13-17, you may think the talk will be about the latest new launches and furniture designs. But, here, in the Gabby showroom, we know the truth––it’s all about the High Point Market Shoes!
Admit it. When you’re walking the halls and catch a glance at a designer walking effortlessly in a pair of stilettos, you do a double-take, and wonder how in the world she does it. Or when you feel like your feet are about to fall off, you stare enviously at the flip-flops and tennis shoes you pass in the hallway.
Many of the designers who come to our High Point showroom have a plan for their shoes––and there’s usually a great story behind their shoes. So we asked a few designers to share their shoe secrets with us.
And while designers may disagree on what type of shoes are the most comfortable––heels, boots, birkenstocks––there’s one thing that they all seem to agree upon––never wear a brand new pair of shoes to High Point that you’ve never worn before. Even if you think that they’re the most comfortable shoes you’ve ever owned. Walk them around the block, around the house-–just don’t try to break them in at market or you’ll likely regret it.
And another High Point shoe secret of the designers? It’s what they carry in their bag––band aids. And lots of them. Giant band-aids always come in handy to help ease the pain of shoes that rub just a little too much on your feet.
And don’t forget about the guys––they can have a little shoe (or sock) style as well.
We want to hear the story of your shoes. Take a photo of your shoes in one of our showroom photo booths––Gabby showroom (200 IHFC W168), NEW Wendy Jane showroom (IH-200), or Summer Classics (IH-205). Use #HPMKTSHOESTYLE for a chance to win credit in one of our showrooms.
And join us for cocktails in our Gabby Showroom Saturday, April 14 4:00-close and on our Showroom Stroll beginning in Wendy Jane showroom 201 on Sunday, April 15 at 10:30 am.
The post Walk A Day In a Designer’s High Point Market Shoes appeared first on Gabby.